Sunday, May 1, 2011

26 weeks {What I Know Now}

I know it has only been two weeks, but it seems as though the pregnancy journey has shifted.
  • Sciatic nerve pain is not a good thing to have during pregnancy. Over the past couple days it has become more painful and even more uncomfortable. I am hoping this is temporary, but again, I am at terms of reality. Turns out my Mom had the same issue with my sister and she had it at about 6 months along (same as we are now) until she went into labor... I hope I don't follow her in this one!
  • Moving furniture is exhausting! My like of change is slowing decreasing as I think ahead of what it takes! Although, we did rearrange our bedroom making it much larger and giving a place for the soon to have bassinet for Pierce. It also put me closer to the vent and window so I don't freeze out Scottie!
  • I already have a ledge to hold my food on.... I cannot imagine what it will be like when it becomes a full shelf! 
  • Strangers look you up and down... sometimes I forget I have this LARGE belly poking out and wonder what they are staring at! That is until I pass by another pregnant lady and do the same thing to her! Go figure! 
  • Cankles now arrive at the end of each work day. I cannot keep them up enough or walk enough... seems as though my work controls my every move.
  • I have never wanted a pedicure as much as I do now! And the crazy part.. I have only had 3 in my lifetime!!!
  • I still crave nothing. But have found a strong disgust in chicken. For those that know me, this is strange!
  • Yard work was one of my favorite things to do in the summertime but it  has now become a chore! 
  • Scottie is not allowed to work on weekends. Every time he does, I get motivated to 'nest.' Soon my energy is going to wear out!
  • I haven't slept in past 8am in years! Some reason, this past week, I almost slept until 10am both days!
No matter what this pregnancy throws at us, we get more excited and anxious to see our little man each day....

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