Saturday, May 28, 2011

30 weeks {What I Know Now}

  • I have been SO much clumsier!!! The other day, in a span of 4 hours, I spilt my water 3 TIMES!! 
  • I am moving slower... but not waddling, yet. Stay tuned!
  • 10 more weeks? Are you kidding me? This boy has that much more time to grow? I bet we have a big baby!!! Do I even dare buying newborn size clothes or just start with 3 months? :)
  • Our pups, Ben & Jerry, seem to be attached to my side. It is SO cute!
  • We still have lots to do for the nursery. Here are a few major ones:
    • Paint the crib (after we get it from my brother)
    • Paint the dresser (after my dad finishes the drawers... which is almost done!!!)
    • Make the bedding
    • Put up shelves
  • Every time the pups bark I can feel Pierce moving. I think he wants to come out and play already!
  • I still won't have an outie belly button.. I actually don't even think we are getting closer!!! 
  • Falling asleep is getting harder and harder again... 
  • My bladder is ALWAYS full. I can go once and then go again 2 minutes later... and another 2 minutes after that! 
  • I believe I have felt some Braxton Hicks Contractions! It excites me thinking of how close we really are to having Pierce.
  • My emotions are back to being up and down again... poor Scottie!
  • Our childbirth classes start in June. That will definitely make it seem more real.
  • Every time I floss my teeth, my gums bleed. It makes me not want to do it! But I know this is 'normal' and will go away after the pregnancy.
  • My feet constantly swell now... and this makes shoe shopping NO FUN!
  • I am drooling like no other at night! 
  • Almost every morning I wake up with one or both of my hands asleep. I have no explanation for this.
  • Scottie left for a few days for a basketball tourney... and he came home to new sheets for our bed, a new rug for the bathroom and a re-painted bedroom!!!! No more brown dark bedroom but hello light and relaxing gray! I love it! It is just time to get some artwork on the walls. Or an actual headboard?? I think I define 'nesting.'

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