Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Major Movements

Today was another amazing experience in our pregnancy journey:

Pierce wanted to wake up with me this morning. For the first time, I could REALLY feel him moving. I found myself lying in bed an extra 15 minutes this morning as he kept twisting and turning. Usually it lasts a few minutes but this time it was at least 15 minutes. During this time, Scott was in the shower. After he was out, I could still feel Pierce moving. Scott quickly tried to see if he could feel Pierce from the outside moving but it is still too early. What a moment for a Mom. I found myself wanting to stay home all day just to wait for another few minutes of him moving. I didn’t have to. As the day went on, I felt him again right around 11am (Maybe he was hungry?) and again around 2pm. Of course these were the couple times I was sitting down at my desk catching up on emails. It makes me wonder how long he has been trying to “talk” to me as I have ignored his signs. As always, life surprises me every day. I find myself dreaming about what he will look like. Not in fear, but in anxiousness. I cannot wait to hold him and kiss him. Just when you think you cannot be in love before you meet, life proves you wrong. I can only love Pierce more as each week, each day, each hour, each minute and each second passes me by. Scott and I have been blessed… with a true miracle…

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