Saturday, May 28, 2011

30 weeks {What I Know Now}

  • I have been SO much clumsier!!! The other day, in a span of 4 hours, I spilt my water 3 TIMES!! 
  • I am moving slower... but not waddling, yet. Stay tuned!
  • 10 more weeks? Are you kidding me? This boy has that much more time to grow? I bet we have a big baby!!! Do I even dare buying newborn size clothes or just start with 3 months? :)
  • Our pups, Ben & Jerry, seem to be attached to my side. It is SO cute!
  • We still have lots to do for the nursery. Here are a few major ones:
    • Paint the crib (after we get it from my brother)
    • Paint the dresser (after my dad finishes the drawers... which is almost done!!!)
    • Make the bedding
    • Put up shelves
  • Every time the pups bark I can feel Pierce moving. I think he wants to come out and play already!
  • I still won't have an outie belly button.. I actually don't even think we are getting closer!!! 
  • Falling asleep is getting harder and harder again... 
  • My bladder is ALWAYS full. I can go once and then go again 2 minutes later... and another 2 minutes after that! 
  • I believe I have felt some Braxton Hicks Contractions! It excites me thinking of how close we really are to having Pierce.
  • My emotions are back to being up and down again... poor Scottie!
  • Our childbirth classes start in June. That will definitely make it seem more real.
  • Every time I floss my teeth, my gums bleed. It makes me not want to do it! But I know this is 'normal' and will go away after the pregnancy.
  • My feet constantly swell now... and this makes shoe shopping NO FUN!
  • I am drooling like no other at night! 
  • Almost every morning I wake up with one or both of my hands asleep. I have no explanation for this.
  • Scottie left for a few days for a basketball tourney... and he came home to new sheets for our bed, a new rug for the bathroom and a re-painted bedroom!!!! No more brown dark bedroom but hello light and relaxing gray! I love it! It is just time to get some artwork on the walls. Or an actual headboard?? I think I define 'nesting.'

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

28 weeks {What I Know Now}

  • You need to screen your nurse as well as your OBGYN... It has been 2 months since we have had an OB visit with our OBGYN as he has been busy delivering babies!!! We sure aren't upset by this as everything has been going well and I sure would want him in the L&D when Pierce is ready to come into this world. I am extremely glad we love our nurse! She even said that she looks forward to our visits cause Scottie and I have funny conversations! ha! Go figure!!! 
  • I know I say this every time... but hearing Pierce's heartbeat never gets old. 
  • Wearing a non maternity shirt sure makes you look even more pregnant!
  • Peeing in a cup at the OBGYN is now harder than ever! I can no longer see but just hope and pray I make it in the cup! 
  • The glucose tolerance test done at 28 weeks is pain free. Everyone makes it out to be some nasty tasting crazy thing... but it was a breeze! Maybe because my glucose tasted like a year old shasta soda. It could have been SO much worse!
  • A messy house no longer gets to me. I see the mess our pups leave but don't have the energy to pick up after them.
  • My bed calls for me earlier and earlier each night. I have been asking for summer to come so the days are longer, but now I want to take it back so when I go to bed it is dark out! Can't I just make up my mind? 
  • My pups are the ones who tell me when I have spilled on my belly. They now flock to me for this reason!
  • When working with all women, all you need to do is pass out baby shower invitations and it is just as good as if you gave them all chocolate!
  • Pierce is starting to get strong enough to allow me to see my belly move and not just feel it.
  • In the six years Scottie and I have been together, I have NEVER asked him to rub my feet... until this last Sunday night... My ankles were SO HUGE that I had to try something. Sure enough, it helped tons. Too bad it did... as this now means he will be doing this more often!!!
  • We are about to hit our 3rd trimester and it seems as though this pregnancy is FLYING BY!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I didn't really think that I wouldn't breastfeed but I still like to do research on why I should. Here are a few reasons why breastfeeding is great for our baby:

  • It's simple, quick and FREE - no need to mix a bottle at those 2am and 4am feedings.
  • It protects Pierce from diseases and infections while also lowering his risk of allergies.
  • It contains many vitamins, minerals, fats and proteins that are not in any formula.
  • Pierce will have a higher IQ!! (Still don't know where the facts are on this one, but I am willing to go with it!)
  • It protects against SIDS
  • It helps me burn calories!!!!! YAY!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Baby Shower Invitations {Check!}

Today, my sister, my mom and I made the baby shower invitations. They turned out even better than we thought they would. It is amazing how hard it is to find an owl! Turns out a cricket machine that we borrowed had everything we needed! Nice design Nicole!!! And they both did an amazing job!

The final product:

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My First True Craving!!

Today I had my first true craving!!! And it took me 2 stops to get it! Boneless buffalo wings... yummmmm!!!

I started off with KFC as it was closest and I knew at one point in time they had them. Of course, after going through the drive thru, I find out they don't any more. Luckily Scottie was all about KFC so I got him dinner. Then as I pulled out of the drive thru, there it was.... PIZZA HUT and their WINGSTREET!!! So I called in an order and drove over and waited. Totally worth it!! I think Pierce even liked them.

Now the question is... when do I get my next craving? Cause choosing dinner was so EASY for a change!

Monday, May 9, 2011


Thanks to a gift card we recently received, we were able to find some really cute beanies for Pierce. I cannot wait to take some newborn pictures of him in these beanies. Of course I had to get a brown one so he is ready to sport the Vallivue Falcon colors.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Stroller... check!

We were over tie-dying shirts at some friends until late tonight. When we got home, there was a present on our door step. A STROLLER!!!! Thank you Gramma and Grampa!!

So of course, no matter how late it was... I HAD to put it together at that moment, after all, I am my father's daughter. Scottie kept the dogs entertained while I put it together. I can hardly wait to push Pierce down the street in it. Is he here yet?

Race for the Cure

Tomorrow is our 2nd Annual Participation in Race for the Cure. So tonight we tie-dyed pink shirts with some friends!!! Of course we tried to make it swirl in towards my belly button. It didn't turn out too bad. Let's just hope the 3K walk doesn't make my feet swell too much!!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

26 weeks {What I Know Now}

I know it has only been two weeks, but it seems as though the pregnancy journey has shifted.
  • Sciatic nerve pain is not a good thing to have during pregnancy. Over the past couple days it has become more painful and even more uncomfortable. I am hoping this is temporary, but again, I am at terms of reality. Turns out my Mom had the same issue with my sister and she had it at about 6 months along (same as we are now) until she went into labor... I hope I don't follow her in this one!
  • Moving furniture is exhausting! My like of change is slowing decreasing as I think ahead of what it takes! Although, we did rearrange our bedroom making it much larger and giving a place for the soon to have bassinet for Pierce. It also put me closer to the vent and window so I don't freeze out Scottie!
  • I already have a ledge to hold my food on.... I cannot imagine what it will be like when it becomes a full shelf! 
  • Strangers look you up and down... sometimes I forget I have this LARGE belly poking out and wonder what they are staring at! That is until I pass by another pregnant lady and do the same thing to her! Go figure! 
  • Cankles now arrive at the end of each work day. I cannot keep them up enough or walk enough... seems as though my work controls my every move.
  • I have never wanted a pedicure as much as I do now! And the crazy part.. I have only had 3 in my lifetime!!!
  • I still crave nothing. But have found a strong disgust in chicken. For those that know me, this is strange!
  • Yard work was one of my favorite things to do in the summertime but it  has now become a chore! 
  • Scottie is not allowed to work on weekends. Every time he does, I get motivated to 'nest.' Soon my energy is going to wear out!
  • I haven't slept in past 8am in years! Some reason, this past week, I almost slept until 10am both days!
No matter what this pregnancy throws at us, we get more excited and anxious to see our little man each day....