Sunday, March 20, 2011

20 weeks {What I Know Now}

  • I have a headache at the same time everyday. Tylenol does NOTHING for me. Neither does a good Dr. Pepper anymore. 
  • My toes are slowly disappearing. 
  • Absolutely no food sounds good. In fact, most make me nauseous. Is this a good thing or bad?
  • Painting while pregnant, makes it an entire weekend project. Not just because of the baby bump, but because my "nesting" took the paint to the bathroom as well. Now the nursery and bathroom are elephant gray.
  • Basketball has become harder to watch. Ok, so it is just harder to stay awake during basketball; even a good game. Good thing for my husband's memory. I get the play by play when my naps are over.
  • My dreams are crazy... and I even remember them. Why now?
  • When I bend over, I seem to grunt... yet I am still wearing my pre-pregnancy clothes. This could be a long 9 months.
  • Cleaning the bedroom becomes 2 LARGE YARD garbage bags full of clothes for donation.  I didn't realize I had that many clothes, let alone ones that I no longer like. Now let's see how long the bags sit in our bedroom. 
  • I feel butterflies in my stomach, but am not quite sure if this is the baby or gas??? 
  • The A/C is already on at our house. I cannot imagine what June, July and August will bring!!!
  • The dogs don't understand that my belly is growing and at times I forget, but one "pounce" and I sure remember.
  • Waiting to find out what we are having seems to take FOREVER! Only one more week now... will the next 7 days ever pass by?

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