Saturday, July 30, 2011

39 weeks

Another week down... not much has changed. One more week til Pierce's due date!!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Natural Childbirth Class {Day 1}

Tonight was our one and only class of Natural Childbirth. It seemed to be a more in depth class of the last 4 weeks. I wouldn't say we learned much more but it came as a great review. Our class consisted of all new people where I felt we were SO YOUNG!

An extra tip that this instructor gave us, was the best foods for me to eat while laboring at home. Scottie is off to the store tomorrow!!!

We are as ready as we can be. So now it's the waiting game...

OB appt

Week 39 appointment down!!! We are measuring at 40 weeks. Pierce's heartbeat was 142. We are still dilated at 1 1/2 centimeters but now are 50% effaced.

Our doc says everything is going well! With me not having felt many contractions and already being 50% effaced, our doc prefers that instead of us waiting until we are having contractions 5 minutes apart, we need to leave for the hospital when contractions are 10 minutes apart. I guess he feels I have a strong pain tolerance which could in turn give us a quicker delivery! Let's hope he is right!

Every day we wonder if Pierce is going to make his appearance...

Next OB appt - August 3rd at 9am

Sunday, July 24, 2011

First Contraction

About 3 hours ago, I felt my first real contraction!!!! Maybe it is because I spent yesterday evening shampooing our carpets? Or maybe it is time for Pierce's arrival...

I was sitting on our bed watching a movie while writing thank you cards. I know they say you can get them if you are dehydrated, but that is not me right now. No other contractions since... cross your fingers!!!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

38 weeks {What I Know Now}

  • 2 weeks left til our due date and still have nausea at least twice a week!!! 
  • I am so clumsy! Just this morning I somehow missed my mouth and poured milk down the front of me.
  • Even more people ask about our baby... it is amazing how miracles like this bring strangers together. But again... it's bizarre. Knowing that the status of my uterus and cervix are fair game for anyone to talk about. My coworkers, relatives and even those strangers... 
  • I am hungry consistently every 2 hours, but never seem to each much at those times.
  • Pierce is COMPLETELY out of room as he moves around... 
  • I am not done nesting yet. Yesterday consisted of shampooing our carpets!
  • Our house is kept so cold that our carpets haven't been able to dry out and it has been nearly 24 hours! So the temp was turn up to 74 and guess what? I am sweating!!!! 
  • Still no signs of an early delivery. Our OBGYN is out of town until Tuesday anyways... so hopefully Pierce will wait until then!
  • Just when I thought my feet couldn't swell any more... I was wrong! I now have invested in CROCS!!! 
  • Whenever I leave for a meeting at work, everyone starts betting that I am in labor. I guess I have to leave notes anytime I leave!
  • Will we make it another week?

Friday, July 22, 2011

Ben's Haircut

It was time to cut Ben's ears! They have been driving me crazy!! Thanks to motivating Janis, tonight was the night!! here is Ben's before:
And the MUCH BETTER after:

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I just now realized I haven't posted pictures of the dresser. My Padre did an AMAZING job making it! Here is the progress along to the final product in Pierce's room:

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Childbirth Preparation Class {Day 4}

Today was the last and final day of our Childbirth Preparation Class.  Overall, we both believe it was worth it. There were some topics we found very informative while others not so much.. but we couldn't imagine the perfect class.

Tonight's focus was on everything after birth. This included:
  • What the nurses do right after he is born. Such as:
    • Clearing his nasal passages with a suction bulb
    • Measuring his weight, head circumference and length
    • Putting the ointment in his eyes to help prevent any infection that could have happened during birth
    • Determining his Apgar score which measures his responsiveness and vital signs. This includes his heart rate, breathing, color, activity and muscle tone as well as reflex response.
    • A vitamin K shot
  • What tests will be done. Some we are aware of include:
    • Newborn screening that includes a PKU screening
    • Hearing test
We also discussed briefly different ways to help soothe our baby if we have tried feeding and changing him and neither has helped. They include:
  • Swaddling him
  • Taking a drive in the car
  • Listening to music
  • Turning on the vacuum
  • Changing his position
  • Burping him
  • And many others... 
Overall, the best piece of information we learned tonight was that during the first hour of Pierce's life, he will be alert - so alert that we need to soak up this time with him, just the two of us. He will spend a lot of time studying our faces. I can hardly wait to see the look on his face when he recognizes our voices.... what a moment.... Plus his smell and touch will help to further identify and become attached to us.


OB appt

Today was our 38 week OB appointment. We are still measuring 2 weeks ahead! That puts us at 40 weeks... but doesn't mean anything as we are only dilated 1 1/2 centimeters. But we are ok with it. Pierce will come when he is ready.

Once again, I love our nurse!!! And good thing as we didn't see our doc today. He is out of town until next Tuesday... so Pierce better stay put!

Next OB appt - July 26th at 9:40am

Monday, July 18, 2011

37 weeks {What I Know Now}

  • I didn't think it was possible for Pierce to grow that much in one week, but boy was I wrong!
  • Going to a wedding extremely pregnant is a much different experience. You don't get the questions of 'Why aren't you dancing?' but the statement of 'Good thing you aren't dancing, we would hate for you to have your baby on the dance floor.' I agreed completely with that last statement so my wonderful husband sat still with me the ENTIRE time and kept bringing me glasses of water, one after the other.
  • These past 2 weeks were the first time I only worked 80 hours in over 12 months!!! And I am STILL exhausted!!
  • A pedicure is now my best friend.
  • My husband massaging my feet at night is so routine that I don't even have to ask. Usually it's because he sees my feet and doesn't like to sleep with Professor Klump!
  • I have to remind people that walk with me, that there is no reason to hurry up when crossing the street any longer as my walk doesn't have that mode anymore. So enjoy the slow paced world with me for a while!
  • All of our bags are packed and we are ready to go!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Childbirth Preparation Class {Day 3}

Day 3 of Childbirth Preparation Class down... We were back to our first instructor, who seems to find herself laughing all class long. We don't know if this is nerves or just a strange personality! Even with this crazy instructor, we learned a lot!

We started with discussing in detail the pro's and con's of epidurals and narcotics for pain management during labor. Even though we plan on having a natural childbirth it is great to know what options we have just in case. I do know that we will NOT be using any kind of narcotic. I don't like the idea of it putting the baby asleep for 1 1/2 hours just so I don't feel any pain. I would MUCH rather go with the epidural risks to myself than any narcotic risks to the baby. But let's hope we don't even need the epidural!!!

We then went on to other common interventions used during labor:

  • IV fluids
    • This is common especially with any induction or when an epidural is done. But again, it is not necessary as to keep hydrated I can eat ice chips or have clear liquids.
  • Amniotomy (breaking the water)
    • I always thought this was done to speed up labor but it doesn't always. But this is commonly done!
  • Fetal monitoring
    • I kind of get excited for this moment as it allows us to watch Pierce during labor. 
  • Internal fetal monitoring
    • I hope we don't have to resort to this... as it is done when having trouble keeping the baby on the monitor. The main reason I don't like it is because a fetal scalp electrode is placed by screwing a tiny sire into the top layers of the baby's scalp. I know it is not a scary thing for the baby, but I still don't like the idea of it!!!
  • Intrauterine pressure catheter
    • This comes with an induction (using pitocin) as it will help measure the exact force of contractions to determine the exact amount of pitocin to use. It also is sometime used when the internal fetal monitoring is used.
  • Forceps
    • These are just plain scary! Heavy steel forceps that go around the baby's skull?? No thank you! Let's hope these stay in their sterile package!!
  • Vacuum Extractor
    • This is exactly as it states, a vacuum that is placed on the baby's head and suction is increased so that the doc can pull during a contraction while mom pushes. Again.. no thank you!!! 
  • Cesarean section
    • Again, I do not wish to have a c-section, but if it is needed to get Pierce here, then BRING IT ON!!! 
Overall.... tonights class made me realize how much closer we are to seeing Pierce!!!! 

Monday, July 11, 2011

36 weeks {What I Know Now}

  • It still amazes me how in one week, he can grow SO MUCH!
  • I am down to 3 times each night to use the bathroom... one less trip is a big difference
  • He has gone face down!!!! I woke up this morning breathing SO much better, but feeling a lot more pressure on my bladder. It is getting close!
  • I have major discomfort in my right hip. No pain, but discomfort. Thank you childbirth class teaching Scottie pressure points. This definitely helps and allows me to fall asleep.
  • I no longer go to bed early. And by early, I mean 8 or 9... I am now lucky to be asleep before 11pm. What's strange, is that I don't find myself getting tired sooner. Not sure if this is preparing me for Pierce? 
  • Waking up before my alarm is also a daily routine... 
  • I must be huge as all the comments now are "WOW.. you must be close to having him" when we still have 4 more weeks!!!
  • The boys snuggle even more with my belly each day. I truly think they will miss the 'ledge' they have to lay on once Pierce arrives.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Moore Baby Bump Pics!!

My sister did another amazing job taking pictures of Scottie and I today. 
We went to Kathryn Albertson's Park. What a beautiful place!!
Here are my favorites:

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Breastfeeding Class

Tonight was the one and only breastfeeding class. Our OBGYN was right, if there is one class to take, this would be the one. Tons of great advice and even a contact for after Pierce is here, should we need extra help. If there was one reason to breastfeeding, it is for bonding. I can hardly wait to see his precious face!!! Hurry up August 6th!!! (or sooner...  if he is ready).

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Childbirth Preparation Class {Day 2}

Day 2 of our Childbirth Preparation Class started off with a totally different instructor. Last week, we had a RN who is in charge of the 'healthy pregnancy' program at St Luke's, today, we had a doula. I must say, totally different perspective. Typically the RN teaches all 4 classes, but due to it being summer time she has some vacations planned allowing us to have the doula for 2 of the 4 classes. Amazingly enough, there were no repeats either! 

Tonight we focused on the stages of labor and all aspects included with it such as: breathing techniques, position changes, counter pressure and relaxation. Having a support partner is a key element to having a positive birth experience! There are many different birthing positions and knowing of all of these is great as we plan on going without any medications... We know birth plans can change and we are ok with anything that needs to happen. The best advice we received today was that if a mother goes without medication during the first stage of labor, then stage two (pushing) is easier. If a mother chooses to have an epidural, then pushing is the hardest stage. Motivation never hurts anyone!! But only time will tell what happens... 

Another important thing we now know is that there is no need to go to the hospital until contractions are 5 minutes apart, lasting 1 minute each and have done this for 1 hour. This allows labor to progress while we are at home instead of sitting at the hospital. I have felt no contractions... yet... 

We need to pack for the hospital!! Thank you cheat sheet as there are a few items we would have forgotten. A few of my musts include:
  • Hair tie
  • Chapstick
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant
  • Camera
  • Phone/Charger
  • Gum
  • Car Seat
  • Pierce's going home outfit
  • Receiving blanket
Halfway done with our class!!! 

OB appt

Today was our week 35 appointment. No concerns! We just found out that we are measuring at 37 weeks instead of the 35 we are at! Hello big baby Pierce... Heartbeat was great as well.  If only it was time to see him... we are VERY ANXIOUS!!!! But willing to wait a few more weeks for him to be a healthier baby.

Next OB appt - July 19th at 10:30am

Sunday, July 3, 2011

35 weeks

Another week closer! Not much has changed... besides the growth of the belly!! Hurry up August 6th, we are anxious to meet our little guy!